********** 쉽고빠른 온라인 배틀 ***********
Play duel games against online opponents or computer.
City Monkey is a worms like shooting game where you can meet online opponents, upgrade your character with new weapons. You rank higher in the ranking by winning the battles. Its easy to play, and games are very fast, no long waiting for opponent...
For nostalgic players, this game will remind you games like Gorilla, Gunbound, Scorched Earth and Worms armageddon.
********** 당신의친구에게 도전하다 ***********
Invite your friends (from facebook or others platforms) and challenge them in fast duels online. You can also play against random opponent online.
********** 왕관을 위해 싸우다 ***********
Challenge thousands of players, win points and rank on top to show everyone who is the monkey king !
********** 무기를 수집하여 레벨업하세요 ***********
Plant your garden, make it evolve and collect more ammo to defeat your opponents. Better be well prepared, the competition is merciless.
********** 당신의 원숭이를꾸미세요 ***********
Upgrade your monkey and customize it with fancy hats (40 available) and show off in front of your opponent !
********** HOW TO PLAY ***********
● Set the angle with your finger
● Watch the wind direction and strength
● Push on the shoot button (the longer you stay, the more powerful it is)
● Shoot your opponent
********** FEATURES ***********
● Simple worms like gameplay
● Very fast online mode (no long waiting for opponent)
● Retro style pixel art
● 8 weapons
● Elo ranking
● Character accessories change with points evolution (headbands, crown, ...)
● Computer mode
● 2 players on the same device
● chat with your opponents
● pimp your monkey with funky hats